This very quick and easy solution will help you redirect WWW to non-WWW in NGINX with VestaCP.
Very simple trick here, but has a few people at a road block. If you’re running NGINX on VestaCP then the following will redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS traffic. Just make sure you’ve got a SSL certificate set-up and working. (more…)
Recently I had to test clamd/clamAV to do this today just to make sure my antivirus scanner was working. I’m a big fan of not installing antivirus software for e-mails, because I strongly believe SpamAssassin eliminates it however, sometimes your clients or e-mails have been around for years – and these days it’s getting even harder to eliminate spam and viruses.
I have created a little plugin for VestaCP called the VestaCP Tools Plugin (obviously unofficial as they don’t have any official way to create plugins yet). It’s a super simple way to get an overview of what’s going on inside your VestaCP server. It basically lists all the domain names, mail domains, cron jobs, etc globally so you don’t have to login to each individual user to get the data.
Please upgrade to VestaCP release 20. A security flaw currently affecting servers is present in release < 20. If upgrade is not yet available, please patch.
I decided to create the perfect VestaCP server installer script (in my opinion) for CentOS 7 (I have only tried it on CentOS 7). Basically, you run it, it asks a few questions and then it sets up a perfect server including CSF, Monit and PHP 7 (if you want it). Amazing, right?
TextBelt is a free service whereby you can receive SMS messages for free. It’s as simple as this:
curl -X POST \ -d number=5551234567 \ -d "message=I sent this message for free with"
So wouldn’t this be cool if we could integrate this with Monit? Well I did just that. With a few lines of code you can receive SMS messages when one of your monit programs goes offline.
I was looking for a way to do this for an installation where WordPress had many different header and footer templates depending on the default template used in WordPress, and it’s rather simple to Add Yoast SEO to WordPress Theme Header. If you haven’t already got Yoast, click here to get it. It will import settings from other major WordPress SEO plugins.
I thought I would tell you all to stay away from RootNerds / IAMONSYS. This is my review. They’re the same company and rumoured to be sold. An unfortunate event happened yesterday on the 7th June whereby one of my Virtual Private Servers I had with them in Germany went offline. It’s still offline as I write this (20 hour
s + offline) and I imagine the company has now completely shut down without a single word to me or it’s other clients.
VestaCP comes prepacked with PHP-FPM (if you select the option when installing) which manages PHP processes. By default it spawns processes that stay alive constantly eating memory. We can further optimise the PHP-FPM settings by tweaking the configuration that’s made when adding a new domain name in an attempt to reduce PHP-FPM memory usage. (more…)