How to: Install CSF on VestaCP

16th May 2016

Tested on Debian, Ubuntu, and CentOS… how to install CSF on VestaCP.

THIS SCRIPT IS FOR Vesta 0.9.8-15, Vesta 0.9.8-16, Vesta 0.9.8-17, Vesta 0.9.8-18 and Vesta 0.9.8-19.


Review: Reliable VestaCP VPS hosting with HostUS

15th May 2016

HostUS VPS LogoThis is a review of HostUS‘s (affiliate links within this post) unmanaged Virtual Private Servers (VPS) where I have installed the control panel VestaCP.

I have a few VPS’s with HostUS namely because they are international. This blog is hosted on a VPS they provide in England. I have been with them since February 2015. It’s been over a year so I think I’m well informed to provide a review that is of my own opinion.

UPDATE: After almost 2 years of hosting with HostUS I have pulled the plug on 6 servers I had with them. Recently they had terrible slow nodes and very slow response times to support requests (when the nodes were slow). Read more for the in-depth review.


Stronger Security SSL/HTTPS in NGINX VestaCP

12th May 2016

Security is paramount these days and visitors to your website want to know their browsing and transmission of data is 100% safe. How do you test this? At Quality SSL Labs of course! It’s time to secure your NGINX install once-and-for-all.

As of today, my blog is running Let’s Encrypt – the absolutely free SSL Certificate authority and my rating is A+ (I’m OK with that!) at Quality SSL Labs. Before with a default install of NGINX and VestaCP my rating was B.

Remove trailing slashes in NGINX & WordPress

12th May 2016

If you hate those trailing slashes or perhaps you’re just a fan of good SEO practices then you’ll probably want to remove the trailing slashes from your WordPress installation and edit your NGINX configuration to make sure anything WITH a trailing slash is sent permanently (301 redirect) to the page without a slash. (more…)

How to install ngx_pagespeed with NGINX in VestaCP

12th May 2016

This tutorial for ngx_pagespeed has only been tested with Debian 7. I will provide the alternate commands for RedHat, CentOS, or Fedora but I have not tested this.

I first installed and compired NGINX from source BEFORE removing the packages incase I hit any problems, then issued the commands AGAIN to confirm it was all working. As usual – take backups! (more…)

Redirect in NGINX: 301 & 302

12th May 2016

NGINX Logo for RedirectNGINX is becoming more popular every second – and it’s because it’s super fast. In this tutorial I’m going to show you the difference between a 301 and 302 redirect in NGINX and how to implement them. But first, let’s know the difference.

301 redirects are what is known as permanent redirects. This tells search engines that the old page has been moved permanently. (more…)

EU Cookie Law jQuery Tool

29th August 2013

This really simple script to adhere to the EU Cookie Law is literally a copy/paste job which informs the user about cookies and asks them what they would like to do. If they accept cookies then it removes the notification for 365 days. If they decline the use of cookies it then continuously deletes any cookies set. (more…)

Free Theme for ZPanel SS88 Light

28th February 2013

Update: zPanel is no longer a good choice for a control panel. It is no longer developed and has many security flaws. Please upgrade to VestaCP.

We’re releasing a free theme template for ZPanel today. It’s called SS88 Light and it’s for the version 10.0.2. (more…)