Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in VestaCP with NGINX

14th March 2017

Very simple trick here, but has a few people at a road block. If you’re running NGINX on VestaCP then the following will redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS traffic. Just make sure you’ve got a SSL certificate set-up and working. (more…)

Stronger Security SSL/HTTPS in NGINX VestaCP

12th May 2016

Security is paramount these days and visitors to your website want to know their browsing and transmission of data is 100% safe. How do you test this? At Quality SSL Labs of course! It’s time to secure your NGINX install once-and-for-all.

As of today, my blog is running Let’s Encrypt – the absolutely free SSL Certificate authority and my rating is A+ (I’m OK with that!) at Quality SSL Labs. Before with a default install of NGINX and VestaCP my rating was B.