Month: September 2016

Monit SMS notifications with TextBelt for free

29th September 2016

TextBelt is a free service whereby you can receive SMS messages for free. It’s as simple as this:

curl -X POST \
   -d number=5551234567 \
   -d "message=I sent this message for free with"

So wouldn’t this be cool if we could integrate this with Monit? Well I did just that. With a few lines of code you can receive SMS messages when one of your monit programs goes offline.


Yoast SEO: Add it to your WordPress theme header

21st September 2016

I was looking for a way to do this for an installation where WordPress had many different header and footer templates depending on the default template used in WordPress, and it’s rather simple to Add Yoast SEO to WordPress Theme Header. If you haven’t already got Yoast, click here to get it. It will import settings from other major WordPress SEO plugins.
